We are the Barbie Liberation Organization (B.L.O.), an underground network of creative activists.
We challenge malign societal norms and spark conversations that resonate beyond the ordinary.
Creativity is our weapon of choice. Through acts of cultural insurgency, we aim to liberate minds and provoke thought.
Our covert operations are carefully crafted to disrupt the status quo and inspire others to question the constructs that confine them.

On Christmas day in 1993, kids all over America were delighted to find new Teen Talk Barbie and G.I. Joe dolls under the tree - but shocked when the G.I. Joe voice-boxes chirped “I love to shop with you!" and the Barbies barked “Eat lead!"
In the words of NBC Nightly News, the youth of America had been “ambushed by the Barbie Liberation Organization." The B.L.O. claimed responsibility for switching the voice boxes on hundreds of the toys nationwide, making headlines around the world and even popping up on The Tonight Show and The Simpsons. The “toy terrorist cell" was reportedly made up of “veterans against war toys” and “concerned parents."